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2016 Christmas Newsletter

Dear friends,

“The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people…And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”

The birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is a cause for “great joy.” We who have received the precious gift of faith, “of greater worth than gold, which perishes,” see in Him the fulfillment, both of God’s promises to the Israelites of old and of the desires of every heart. As we sing in the morning office (“Safro”), in St. Ephrem’s wondrous Hymn of Light, “Begotten of the Father He manifested Himself to us / He came to rescue us from darkness / and to fill us with the radiance of His marvelous light.” When we experience the darkness around us and perhaps even in us, the promise and hope of Christ break in like the dawn upon the night.  

    The Christmas proclamation of “glad tidings of great joy” urges us to find our hope, fulfillment, healing and restoration in Him Who came to save us. This Christmas, may we draw close to Mary, our Mother. She will help us through the purity of her heart, the firmness of her faith, and the intensity of her love to live close to her Son, Whom she held in her arms that Blessed Night.

We remember you all in our prayers this Christmas, that God’s peace would live in your hearts. We ask you for your prayers also, that God may continue to bless and guide us, particularly in the project of building a home in Castle Rock. To this end, we greatly appreciate your support, in all the ways God has blessed us to give. In the good news of Christ, we hope and pray that you have a most blessed and joyful Christmas.

In the Holy Family,

The Maronite Monks of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

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